Who We Are
L'Wanda Greenlaw
President and Owner of Home Tutoring Solutions, L’Wanda Greenlaw is committed to serving the educational needs of students in Northeast Ohio. Her educational strategy, resource knowledge, and personal experience as a parent help to keep Home Tutoring Solutions on the leading edge of the educational services industry. L’Wanda is skilled at holding initial consultations with parents and students to assess and develop strategic academic programs that will meet educational goals. She brings sensitivity to the diverse educational learning styles of today's students.
L’Wanda’s ability to provide educational enhancement is supported by her library and teaching background. A member of Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce and a former member of the Chagrin Falls Schools Exceptional Children Advisory Board, L’Wanda earned her B.A. degree in Liberal Arts and Music Education from Penn State.
Steve Greenlaw
Co-founder and Director of Operations of Home Tutoring Solutions, Steve Greenlaw received his B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, and his MBA degree from Kent State. Building on a legacy of managing operations, information technology, and supply management for Fortune 500 companies, Steve excels at people development. He brings the full power of his detail-oriented management experiences to work for your family. Steve’s business analysis and results-oriented skills mean finding the right academic and testing solutions. He also demonstrates great skill and commitment to finding the best certified teachers in Northeast Ohio to provide the best tutoring experience for students and their families.
The Brains Behind This Operation...
Our Talented Tutors
Talented tutors plus motivated students is our formula for success. We help motivate students to do their best. We fit one-on-one tutoring into their busy schedules. And, we give you peace of mind that your child will be better equipped to face life’s challenges.
But don’t take our word for it. This is what some of our tutors will tell you: